Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Whole Means Healthy: It Means a Major Shift in Implications

If holy means whole in the Bible, then the shift in the implications for our lives is like a shift in the earth's crust.   I like this description: "when the infrastructure shifts, everything rumbles" (Stan Davis).   But also it is not really practical to describe this massive shift in a short blog entry, when much of the work is already done in a book of nearly 500 pages, a DVD of films to go with the book, and CDs to listen to in your car or anywhere.  Without question Stephen R. Covey's The 8th Habit largely outlines the implications of wholeness, before I even lift my fingers to put them on a keyboard. 

While at some minor points, I see some refinement would be valuable, as a whole he and I are largely saying the same thing when it comes to the implication of a whole person map or paradigm.  The only major difference is that his evidence is largely from his own speciality or specialities and mine is from tools I use to read the Bible more effectively.  He earned his fame from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, yet I regard his addition of the 8th habit as his greatest contribution.

So in summary, rather than restate all that he has to say, I going to recommend his book to you.  Borrow it from your library, buy a copy, or get the CDs.   Read portions of it on line.  Get a copy for the Nook, your iPad, etc.  In some way, get hold of his materials.  It is as close as the internet or as little as a few days wait for Covey's things to arrive. 

Here is all the information, used in a typical footnote form, so you an look up his book.  It is:

Covey, Stephen R., The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness.  (New York: Free Press, 2004).

Please take a look.  Right now, most people are operating out of an interpretation that says holy means set apart.  So we generally understand already its implications, through life experience in life as it now is.  Covey gives you and others a chance to see the implications of a new whole person map or paradigm.

 Above all reading, read your Bible.  But also read good books that help you be healthy in your heart, your soul, your strength and your mind.   In other words, in your whole self! 

In Christ,

Pastor Jon

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